During the last two years Espronceda has developed a new project on the best contemporary practice between Fine Arts University and art center. The main idea is to create a platform where students/young artists can have the possibility to research, reflect and create new artistic projects and to learn how to work on pressure, freedom, quality and responsibility in creating a bridge among art market and gallery. This round table is part of a series of debates started last year in occasion of Art Nou. Thanks to the experience with the Royal Academy of Arts, London, RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts, Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Brussels, we experienced the importance of the best contemporary practices for a best quality on art. One of the most significant results has been the creation of the Prize for residence Espronceda- ArBA-EsA (Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Bruxelles- École supérieure des Arts).
The debate is in cooperation with RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts, Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Bruxelles – École supérieure des Arts and Art Laguna Prize of Venice.
Confirm your presence and invite others through our Facebook Event.