At Espronceda we believe in the importance of the dialogue between culture, art and education. Part of our activities is dedicated to the importance of art for a social and sustainable change, for social integration and inclusion, and for education. These collaborations took place at European and international level, but also at the local level while organising round tables and seminars.
Among our main collaborations there are: the international children project for peace Kids-Guernica inspired on the work of Pablo Picasso and the Third Paradise of Michelangelo Pistoletto and Cittadellarte. Both projects are under the responsibility of the artist Savina Tarsitano, Ambassador of Third Paradise and coordinator of Kids-Guernica. In 2019 Espronceda started also a cooperation with the Japanese project P3578.
Peace and Solidarity in partnership with the Consulate General of Germany. An online and in presence artist residency started with International artist to deal all together on how to build a dialogue saying stop to any war and conflicts across the world.
Primer Festival Internacional de Paste Up Barcelona, 2022
Barcelona International Paste Up Street Art Fest, es una iniciativa creada por el colectivo BCNPasteUp, que quiere difundir la cultura del Paste Up a través de un festival a escala internacional, siendo Barcelona un referente de las capitales mundiales del Arte Urbano. Espronceda Institute of Art & Culture propone colaborar con el espacio de creación, integración con la comunidad así como brindar una residencia artística para el artista ganador del premio, seleccionado por nuestros jurados, donde el artista podrá desarrollar su arte viviendo dentro del barrio y en colaboración con los locales.
We are very honoured to collaborate during the last year with the International Peace Project Kid’s -Guernica.
On the 26th Of April on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Civil War in Guernica, there will be the award ceremony for the Peace project and among them Kid’s-Guernica. Savina Tarsitano will be present at the ceremony to represent Kid’s Guernica and to take the award on behalf of the International Kids Guernica. In this difficult period of war we highlight the importance of Peace.
Workshop: Temporary states – zeitgeber exhibition
In this workshop, the german visual artist and art educator Jessica von Helmolt proposes an activity aimed at families interested in experimenting with momentary impressions within a specific environment. Through different senses, participants will play with the perception of external agents such as light, music, rhythms, fragrances, flavors and textures. The experiences made with these influences will be translated into collages of great chromatic and formal diversity.
Art For Social Change Towa
rds the Art of Demopraxia – LOOP CityScreen BCN 2020
Kids Guernica & Third Paradise : Art for Change and Peace
On the occasion of the opening of the exhibition of Kids-Guernica and the Peace International Project, Espronceda is delighted to present the Art Webinar: Art for Change and Peace: Before, During and After Coronavirus
Kids’ Guernica Connection
On the occasion of the anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombing, a reminder for World Peace. The representatives will show the opening exhibitions at Nagasaki and Hiroshima and a quick tour of the exhibition displayed at Espronceda.
Hearts for the Earth : Peace and Solidarity
“Hearts for the Earth” is a new participating art project to connect people in the world. The project has been ideated and curated by Savina Tarsitano and Takuya Kaneda. The main aim of the project is to increase Solidarity and Peace in the world with a simple but strong word “Love”.
Roundtable “The Best Practice in Art and Education”
On the occasion of the opening of the exhibition of Kids-Guernica and the Peace International Project, Espronceda is delighted to present the Art Webinar: Art for Change and Peace: Before, During and After Coronavirus
Art and Education: create with kids and families
A workshop for children between 5 and 9 years old led by the artist Savina Tarsitano and application of methods from the Tutti Frutti School of Languages for Children, Brussels.
Roundtable – Crear, Pensar, Transformar
The Round table proposes mutual learning between the participants, a pretext to distinguish between all, areas where culture and society suggest questioning practices, new challenges and experiences that create knowledge.
Artistic journey – Observe, Create, Be An Artist with EO
What is art?
What is the process of art?
How do artists create?
Can anything be considered art?
The r
elationship between art, performance and body language
Can we then consider the performance as part of the visual arts, as a new and innovative contemporary element? If this new and innovative relationship exists, what are the limits, the boundaries between the visual arts, the language of the body and the performance? And what are the changes made in recent years? In this perspective what happens also in the field of education? What is the new role of academic institutions? It exists a stronger contamination, interdisciplinary between the art departments?
Kids Guernica and Third Paradise >Rebirth Forum 2018
This project arrived in Cuba for the first time in 2015, at the Biennial of Art of Havana, and thanks to the management of the Embassy Rebirth / Third Paradise Cuba, an initiative of the Italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto. ENCATC member, Savina Tarsitano, one of the ambassadors of the Third Paradise in the world and also promoter and activist of Kids’ Guernica, is the one who brings this
project to Cuba.
Happy Culture Hours by ENCATC
Happy Culture Hours is an initiative of ENCATC launched in early 2013, in partnership with the Creative Europe Desks Wallonie-Bruxelles and Vlaanderen, the Cultural Happy Hours aim to catalyse international partnerships, cross sectorial exchanges, collaborations and knowledge transfers among networks and organisations acting in the field of arts and culture based in Brussels, strengthen the Belgian artistic and cultural scene and its European projects by enlarging their audience, connect with a variety of stakeholders based in Brussels through culture; and create innovative partnerships among cultural, business and education sectors.
The role of art for a social and responsible change in society
This debates aims to underline the importance of the role of art for a responsible change in society. In particularly, the analysis is on Rebirth/Third paradise project of Michelangelo Pistoletto and Cittadellarte in connection with the International children project Kids’-Guernica inspired to the work of Pablo Picasso for a peaceful world. How nowadays it is important to create cooperation between economic, politic, social world, to create and to elaborate new solution for a better world.
Art & Education by Istituto Comprensivo Perri-Pitagora
The occasion of the 20th birthday of the project international Kids-Gernica, where the children bring
peace in the world being inspired by the work of Pablo Picasso, and of the artistic rebirth/tercer Paraiso project from the Italian artist Michealngelo Pistoletto and Cittadellarte.
In this occasion a delegation from the Japanese members and founders of Kids.Guernica were present,
as well as the language school Bruxelles Tutti Frutti, to discuss about the importance of the topics like the social responsibility, the atmosphere, piece, the solidarity the cooperation and others.