Arte Laguna
Arte Laguna Prize, the world’s most influential competition for emerging artists and designers, showcases and promotes creative talents.
With fourteen years of history, the Arte Laguna Prize gives the opportunity to join the huge network of collaborations worldwide, exhibit in the breathtaking location of the Arsenale of Venice, win cash prizes of a total amount of 40.000 euro and much more.
Each year one of the winners from Arte Laguna is selected to our Artist in Residence program.
Jury: Savina Tarsitano & Holger Sprengel
2017 ____________________________________________________________________
Real Life de Sanja Milencovic, curated by Savina Tarsitano.
2018 ____________________________________________________________________
Vesuvius by Dalia Baassiri, curated by Savina Tarsitano and Maribel Navarro Cortes.
2019 ____________________________________________________________________
2020/2021 ____________________________________________________________________
Patterns of Nature by Hee Sook Kim curated by Savina Tarsitano.
(Seul, South Korea)

(La Habana, Cuba)
(Pisa, Italy)