Discover the future at the Immensiva Festival 2024!

Location: Carrer de Espronceda 326, Nave 4-5, 08027 Barcelona
Opening: September 17, 2024, 19:00 – 21:30 h
Exhibition: September 18 – 27, 2024, 17:00 – 20:00 h

ESPRONCEDA – Institute of Art & Culture presents the Immensiva Expo 2024, a unique event that merges advanced ideas and cutting-edge technologies, creating immersive experiences where the physical and the digital intertwine. As a space for experimentation, Immensiva challenges the boundaries of digital ecosystems, promoting inclusive and participatory societies.

The Immensiva Expo 2024 will showcase the most innovative digital projects from Catalonia and Europe, focusing on expanded, immersive, and interactive realities that foster social inclusion and digital awareness. Guided tours and educational activities will be offered to local students, bringing art and innovation closer to the community.

Exhibition Theme: “VISIONS OF IMMENSITY”
Curated by Alejandro Martín, Artistic Director of Immensiva, this exhibition presents three digital art projects that explore the interaction between technology and human perception.

Featured Projects:

    A new production by ESPRONCEDA/IMMENSIVA with the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya-Cultura/Digital Directorate and UPF/EMIL XR Project.
    Digital Artists: Fran Macia, Niall Hill, Rafa Roeder.Description: Set in a world affected by a 388-day drought without rain, “Supercèl” is an immersive installation based on the launch of a weather balloon. Guided by urgent radio instructions, participants engage in a high-tech cloud seeding mission using new Augmented Reality technology developed at the Pompeu Fabra University.
    Artists: Gerard Valls, winner of the IMMENSIVA Residency 2024, Ryan Cherewaty, and Rachel Heavey.
    Description: An installation composed of three elements that explore human intervention and its constructions from various perspectives, inspired by Edouard Glissant’s “Archipelagic Thought.” It investigates the sustainable, ecological, and social impacts of urban development, using data from the Catalan nanosatellite “Menut” to address the effects of the climate crisis and spatial planning challenges.
  • GAZE Machine
    Artists: An interactive digital work by Solimán López in collaboration with the NGO Ulls del Món and sponsored by Alcon.
    Description: This work combines a base image, AI software, and a camera that tracks the participant’s eye movements. Participants “paint” digitally with their gaze, creating a collective piece with multiple perspectives. The artwork transforms the eye from a simple organ of vision into a tool for visual creation, capturing each participant’s movement to compile a piece of historical significance.

Don’t miss the chance and visit us!