
  • Opening @”Heard Through Mixfull Eyes” by Savina Tarsitano & Morris Rosenzweig – JAN 20th – 19h30

    ESPRONCEDA presents the artistic project and exhibition “Heard Through Mixfull Eyes”, by the Italian artist Savina Tarsitano and the American composer Morris Rosenzweig Photo by Savina Tarsitano and video and music by Morris Rosenzweig. From 20th to 29th of January 2017 A dialogue between photography, music, video, nature and heritage curated by Magali Moulinier, professor of Art Historian at RUFA,...

  • CONCERT @ Colectivo EUNK – César Bernal & Sebastián Tapia – Dec 10th

    Colectivo EUNK: conciertos de improvisación Espronceda presenta una velada musical de experimentación sonora e improvisación libre, de la mano de los artistas chilenos César Bernal y Sebastián Tapia 10 de diciembre de 2016, de 20:00 a 21:30 horas El dúo comprendido por César Bernal y Sebastián Tapia desembarca en el viejo continente desde la Ciudad Puerto de Valparaíso, Chile,...

  • OPENING @ ‘FUTURE’s PAST’ by Sven Marquardt – Dec 8th – 7pm

    Photography exhibition “FUTURE’S PAST” by Sven Marquardt Espronceda presents the photo exhibition of the charismatic Berlin photographer. Opening: December 8th from 7pm to 10pm Exhibition: From Dec 9th to Dec 20th, 2016 Visits upon appointment at +34 933 682 384 AFTER PARTY at Garage 442 Av. Diagonal, 422 from 11.30pm to 2.30am (only with guest list) “Every picture...

  • OPENING @ ‘ZOOMING’ by Evgeniy Stasenko – 29th Nov – 7.30pm

    “ZOOMING” by EVGENIY STASENKO curated by Maribel Navarro poetry by Ingrid Garasa Ortiz You are cordially invited to the opening on Tuesday 29th of November, 7.30pm. FREE ENTRY Exhibition running from the 30th of November to the 5th of Dicember, 2016 Sponsored by In filmmaking and television production, zooming refers to the technique of changing the focal length of a...

  • Opening @’LEFTOVERS’ by Grazia Amendola 26th Nov – 8.00pm Video of Veronica Isola “LEFTOVERS” by GRAZIA AMENDOLA Site specific project – Artist in residence You are cordially invited on Saturday 26th of November at 8.00pm. Exhibition was running from the 19th of November to the 26th of November, 2016. An opportunity to discover her artistic project Leftovers a research realized in connection with the Barcelona’s markets, during...

  • Opening @ ‘CRAZY PURPLE’ by Emmanuel Beyens – OCT 21st – 7.30pm

    “CRAZY PURPLE” by EMMANUEL BEYENS Curated by Savina Tarsitano You are cordially invited on Friday 21st of October, 7.30pm. Exhibition running from the 22nd of October to the 30th of October, 2016. Emmnauel Beyens’ research on the series “Crazy Purple” began a year ago in Brussels. The project took the form of a long investigation and involved two cities, Brussels...