
  • Jungles book launch 14/12 @19h30

    14/12 @19h30   We hope to see you in the presentation of the new book: Jungles. Marcos Navarro, Mia Cassany and the team of Mosquito Books will be present for this joyful night. Live painting. Event on facebook

  • Anthropocenic Naturgemälde by Marta de los Pájaros, 13/12 @19h30

    Thursday, 13/12 @19h30   Anthropocenic Naturgemälde Reflective outlines on our relationship with nature We live in an era that draws on a neologism –Anthropocene- in order to define itself; a geological period determined by the impact of human intervention upon the planet’s different ecosystems. In the last few centuries, we have been lead by a persistent polarization between science...

  • Taller Aprehender y Recortar Naturgemälde / Marta de los Pájaros

    Apprehending and trimming Naturgemälde Collage workshop linked to the exhibition Anthropocenic Naturgemälde Reflective outlines on our relationship with nature. Addressed to restless minds that feel engaged to intertwine knowledge with creativity. Hands-on session in which all participants will explore Alexander von Humboldt’s marvellous vision of nature in order to draw on and share, throughout collage, their own approach regarding...

  • Camera obscure experience_Motors & So with Guilhem Senges, 01/12 @11h30

    Saturday, 01/12 @11h30 On the occasion of the exhibition “Motors & So” and the mechanic installation “Inventari Sonoro III”, which puts a spotlight on the Mercedes Van / Dark Room, the artist Guilhem Senges invites you to share the experience of the camera obscura in live … and some vermouth to celebrate 🙂 Schedule: 11.30 to 13h > Large format...

  • Motors & So by Guilhem Senges

    22/11/2018 @20h   Espronceda Centre for Art and Culture is pleased to present the retrospective exhibition “Motors & So” of the sculptor and photographer Guilhem Senges, in which the artist experiments with different mediums in order to create a harmonious interplay between vision and hearing by bringing together analog photography, sound installations and interactive installations.   Senges translates the...

  • Curry Talk – finissage Dreamscape, by Vitor Schietti

    Friday/ Viernes, 09/11 @20h Talk with the artists Vitor Schietti, and special guest Mark Redden, about their creative process. Special vegetarian curry dishes for the first 30 participants for only € 5! About the artists: Vitor Schietti Mark Redden Event on facebook