
  • Esferas II – La constante cosmológica. by José Ignacio Díaz de Rábago. 07 > 23/03/19

    Expanding particles, planets, stars, galaxies, the universe, the multiverses… the understanding or perception of these elements is almost immediate, but the layers of meaning and sensations caused by the installation “Spheres II, The Cosmological Constant”, by Díaz de Rábago, go much beyond that point. The effort to build the project out from the paper in such an ambitious plan,...

  • Cruixent, 16/02 @2pm

    Espronceda opens the doors for a unique artistic experience. This Saturday, February 16 from 2 p.m., a collective exhibition opens the day with 18 young visual artists. During the day there will be different performative proposals that go from the theater to the experimentation with new technologies. Admission is free and we hope you come. Performance (comissioned by LAS...

  • La Relación entre Arte, Performance y Lenguaje Corporal. Roundtable 08.02 @19h

    On the 8th of February Savina Tarsitano will be moderating the roundtable on: “The relationship between art, performance and body language: towards new challenges, borders and alliances” in presence of Enzo Pezzella artistic coordinator of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and ISAC (Institut Supérieur des Arts et Choreographie) of Brussels, Manuel Fanni Canelles, coach, director and visual artist,...

  • I cried over spilt milk. By Leen Van Dommelen & Charlotte Flamand, 07/02 @19h30

    07/02 @19h30 We, at Espronceda, are very proud to present the second edition of the Prize Espronceda/Arba-Esa on the importance of best practice in the contemporary art and the role of the residency for the young artists at the beginning of their career. Espronceda and the Royal Art Academy of Brussels are collaborating together for the past three years...

  • finissage Huella. Nil Nebot 25/01 @19h

    25/01 @19h TALK WITH THE ARTIST moderated by Ilaria Termolino “I am an imperfect animal. In reality, the true artist is nature”. The artist will invite the public to interact with the installations through a performance that will lead us to rediscover his world of rocks, accompanied by the flamenco guitarist Detmar Breuker. Event on Facebook About the artist

  • Huella. Nil Nebot. 11/01 @19h

    Friday, 11/01/19 @19h On January 11 at 19h, Espronceda Center for ART & CULTURE (Carrer D’Espronceda 326, Barcelona. Metro: Navas) inaugurates Huella. Nil Nebot, solo exhibition by the Catalan artist Nil Nebot. The exhibition is curated by Ilaria Termolino, who uses the potential of art to encourage a reflection on the importance of the ecological issue. Nebot reveals, through...