Symposium Towards a new role of the curator. 09/10 from 17h to 20h.
The idea to realize this Symposium was born thanks to the collaboration and cooperation between Espronceda Institute of Arts & Culture, On Mediation_Platform on Curatorship and Research from the Universitat de Barcelona, in a common reflection on the current role of the curator and its value along with Barcelona Gallery Weekend. The main objective of the...
Beyond the Object on the Creative Spectrum
The exhibition Beyond the Object. On the Creative Spectrum is the result of the collaborative work between sculptor Raffael Lomas and photographer Tai Lomas in which, through an artistic dialogue, the process of creation goes beyond the merely objectual to generate new multidisciplinary relationships that, in turn, provoke new conceptual approaches to the art work. Taking as a starting...
Qhapaq Ñan – path of wisdom
Healing: Individuals work on conflicts and internal emotional blockages, such as family relationships, attachments and detachments, ancestors, etc. Individual healing consists in finding the origin of the inner physical, mental, energetic and emotional problem, through the understanding and awareness, the psychological part of the individual is healed. Subsequently, the process of internal assimilation is continued, through the Inca ancestral...
Craptalism, by Tom Campbell
19.09.19 @19h30 Craptalism, or Cacatalismo in its Spanish version, is Tom Capbell’s latest body of work. Campbell will be exhibiting drawings, painting and sculptures in large format that he has made during his residency at Espronceda. Tom has been coming to Barcelona for the past few years so some of this work is a culmination of previous...
The Lights of the Stones, by Savina Tarsitano and Dinu Flamand
10/09/16 @19h30 The Lights of the Stones is a joint project by the Italian artist Savina Tarsitano and the Romanian poet Dinu Flămând. The European exhibition brings into light the “shadows” of Savina Tarsitano grown into lyrics in Dinu Flămând poems. On the occasion of the of the launch of the poetry book of Dinu Falamand “Ombres I...
Papier Mache Large Scale Workshop with Tom Campbell
Come and work as a team and make a large scale sculpture in a day with artist Tom Campbell. This fun workshop will focus on consensus decision making and team building during which a large scale sculpture will be made. Open only to 6 participants so please book early by emailing The order of emails sent will be...