
  • Quotidians, by the Cuks collective

    28/11/19 @19h Everyone knows what we are referring to. “Lemons, pots, notes, intensities, trees, tiles, forgotten.” 7 perceptions 7 everyday motifs. About the artists: Anna Bussot Joan Sorolla Montse Artés Clara Rossy Teresa Seguí Mireia Cifuentes Marta Juvanteny Event on Facebook  

  • Object, by Lionel Pennings

    Lionel Pennings, Belgian emerging artist is the winner of the third edition of the ARBA-ESA/ESPRONCEDA Award Prize (Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Brussels in cooperation with the city of Brussels), Lionel Lennings.  The exhibition “Object” is the result of his artistic research, curated by Savina Tarsitano. On the 13th will be the opening in presence of the artistic...

  • A black line across the page curated by Valentina Casacchia

    19/11/19 @19h30 As part of the Loop City Screen program of 2019, Espronceda Institute of Arts and Culture presents November 19-23 “A black line across the page” a project curated by Valentina Casacchia, including artists: Francesca Banchelli, Carlos Caballero, Keren Cytter, Alice Guareschi, Annika Larsson , Bruno Marrapodi, Lorenzo Montanini, Sharon Paz, Beatrice Scaccia. In November 2018 a group...

  • Character & mask-making workshop with Nora Schmel

    CHARACTER & MASK MAKING WORKSHOP inspired by THE GUERRILLA GIRLS WORKSHOP LEADER: NORA SCHMEL Inspired by Female Artists #2 At this two days workshop we study the feminist activist artists, The Guerilla Girls, and make our own characters and masks for a hypothetical activist scenario. The aim of this workshop to get familiar with alternative ways of activism and...

  • EXÉGENIS POÉTICA by Siuro, curated by Maribel Navarro

    The work is born from the sensitivity of recognizing, in each thing, the extreme fragility of existence and its inherent transience. In this work everything coexists, but not as a fusion of opposites but as an approach to make poetry and life be intertwined to the point of barely distinguishing. Dream world, landscapes of humanity with more interest in...

  • Dark and Stormy – collective exhibition curated by Paul Pretzer

    Participant artists: Marie Aly Katharina Arndt Fritz Bornstück Stefanie Gutheil Philip Grözinger Julius Hofmann Andrey Klassen Jan Muche Daniel Thurau Paul Pretzer This group show includes works by contemporary German artists who are interested in obscure, absurd and dark imagery. It is rooted in a tradition that goes back all the way to Hans Baldung Grien, Otto Dix and...