
  • Kids Guernica & Third Paradise : Art for Change and Peace

      ART WEBINAR On the occasion of the opening of the exhibition of Kids-Guernica and the Peace International Project, Espronceda is delighted to present the Art Webinar: Art for Change and Peace: Before, During and After Coronavirus 23rd of July at Barcelona: 16h Tokyo: 23h Havana: 10h London: 15h The Webinar will be transmitted LIVE on Our Youtube Channel....

  • LAVS festival

      Mataró, Barcelona, ​​June 2020.- This Saturday, June 27, the LAVS Festival will be held in Mataró, between 5.30 and 10 p.m., a pioneering multidisciplinary proposal whose common thread is the relationship between image, sound and new technologies. Experimental video, multimedia installations, virtual reality and electronic music go hand in hand in this event that will take place in...

  • Cannes XR Virtual

    After the successful Location Based Entertainment for selected guests last Friday, we’re happy to announce that the Cannes XR access was extended until next Saturday (04/07) and it’s open for general public from Tuesday to Saturday by appointment only through he following link: The Marché du Film of the Cannes Festival, Tribeca Film Festival, Kaleidoscope, The Museum of...

  • Output:TargetDisplay:Display01-VR Live Stream by Mohsen Hazrati

    Mohsen will describe his experience of his art residency at Espronceda – Institute of Art & Culture- and of working together with a group of artists during the IMMENSIVA VR/AR Residence 2020. After this first stage, the covid-19 lockdown in Spain obligated the artist to reschedule his return to Iran and Espronceda offered him a space in its residency...

  • Webinar Art Forum

    A series of webinars with participants in Italy, Belgium and Spain will address relevant issues of the art world during these new times we’re all immersed at. Art Forum is a project by Espronceda and Nu Art. More information coming up soon.

  • A tasck of wonders by David Almeida

    David Almeida Bachelor of Arts from the University of Brasília, Almeida’s research develops through multiple languages like drawing, object, photography, installations, performance and, above all, painting. His production has as its axis the issues of space and walking body, exploring the visuality of the intimate space, the studio, the city, and the natural landscape. He investigates the boundaries between...