
  • NewImages Festival, Cannes XR and Tribeca Festival join forces to create XR3: the virtual exhibition of the best of VR creation!

    NewImages Festival, Cannes XR and Tribeca Festival join forces to create XR3: the virtual exhibition of the best of VR creation! From June 9 to 20 and from July 6 to 15, 2021   TICKETS HERE —>   Leading international events in the field of immersive creation, NewImages Festival, Cannes XR and the Tribeca Festival are banding together...

  • IMMENSIVA Residence Show 2021

        We invite you to the exhibition resulting from the artistic residency of IMMENSIVA 2021! The inauguration will be on Tuesday, June 22 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. It will be on display from June 23 to 30, on weekdays from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The second phase of the residency, which took place from May...

  • IMMENSIVA International residences 2021

    IMMENSIVA International residences 2021. From 1 May to 20 June 2021 Following the collaboration with international partners: universities, art centres and leading professionals, and this year expanding the network, a process of pre-residencies has been organised in 12 international cities: Barcelona, Paris, London, Milan, Istanbul, Innsbruck, Helsinki, Rotterdam, Montreal, NYC, Atlanta and Los Angeles. During the period from May...

  • Episode 2 – The Salon of Espronceda –Talk with a Special Guest by Savina Tarsitano 07.07.2021

      Art galleries, contemporary art, the importance of residences for both emerging and established artists, what was the impact of Covid-19 on galleries, artists? We talk about all this with our guests at the Espronceda Salon, especially about the city of Tokyo with a look also to Taipei. On 7 July we move to Japan to talk with Sachiko...

  • Webminar: Towards Contemporary Art for Sustainable Villages 21.06.2021

      The debate will focus on: the role and value of artists/arts in a time of crisis, and the importance of cultural collaboration in accordance with the 17 sustainable goals of the Agenda 2030. The idea to create a team working to carry out this project in villages based in Asia and Europe born during this difficult period of...

  • New Images Festival

      Espronceda Gallery presents two virtual reality experiences New Images Festival and La Comedie Virtuelle by the Gilles Jobin company Espronceda programming tass this spring Defining it as one of the most innovative galleries in Barcelona would not justify it. Inc. Because, in recent years, Espronceda Center of Art and Culture has consolidated as one of the benchmarks of...