
  • Venice VR Expanded: Barcelona Satellite

    Del 1 al 19 de septiembre de 2021 vuelve el Venice VR Expanded a ESPRONCEDA – Institute of Art & Culture El preestreno para la prensa será el día 31 de agosto Más de 40 proyectos inmersivos, 9 horas al día y 8 estaciones simultáneas… ¡El futuro ha llegado!     Por segundo año consecutivo, la Bienal de Venecia...

  • Conversations

      Con Conversaciones los artistas destacan diversos temas de actualidad: desde los límites de la sociedad en la imposición de un estatus de éxito, apariencia, competencia, desde el problema de las «fronteras» existenciales y territoriales, la relación entre el espacio urbano y emocional, la mirada desconcertada, una ventana a nuestro día a día de la vida, el origen y...

  • Sustainable Views

      Exhibition Date: from July 20th to 24th, 2021 Opening: July 20th from 7 pm to 9 pm. Gallery opening hours: Monday to Saturday | 4 pm to 8 pm   SUSTAINABLE VIEWS Curated by: IF – Imagine the Future Winner artists: Giacomo Graziano & Riccardo Grando, Marta Ciolkowska, Special Mention: Giovanni Chiamenti Mapping selected artists: Mustapha Benghernaout, Sandrine...

  • Fuera(de)forma

      Fuera(de)forma is a group exhibition showing the projects developed by artists Victor Gonçalves (Brazil), Josephine Lau Jessen (Denmark), Patricio Tejedo (Mexico) and Lena Wurz (Germany) in the framework of Nectar Artist-in-Residence Program. In collaboration with Espronceda Institute of Art & Culture and within the context of the emerging art festival Art Nou Primera Visió, NectART residency program is...

  • Episode 2 – The Salon of Espronceda –Talk with a Special Guest by Savina Tarsitano 07.07.2021

      Art galleries, contemporary art, the importance of residences for both emerging and established artists, what was the impact of Covid-19 on galleries, artists? We talk about all this with our guests at the Espronceda Salon, especially about the city of Tokyo with a look also to Taipei. On 7 July we move to Japan to talk with Sachiko...

  • Webminar: Towards Contemporary Art for Sustainable Villages 21.06.2021

      The debate will focus on: the role and value of artists/arts in a time of crisis, and the importance of cultural collaboration in accordance with the 17 sustainable goals of the Agenda 2030. The idea to create a team working to carry out this project in villages based in Asia and Europe born during this difficult period of...