Christina Eleftheriadou is a Cypriot theatre designer and theatrologist, based in Madrid.
She received her Integrated Master in Theatre from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
(Greece), with focus on Set, Costume and Light Design. She is active as part of the
artistic and technical team of LaJoven Compañia, collaborating in projects that are
presented in main stages of Madrid like Teatro Abadia, Circo Price etc. She has
participated in various projects, some of them presented in theatre institutions of Greece
and European festivals such as Venice Open Stage and Prague Quadrennial of
Performance Design and Space. Her interest in visuals is expanding also in other forms
like site-specificity, curating, spatial and graphic design, inspired from her previous
studies in Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, in Barcelona.
Relaciones Sociales Entre Empleados 03/febrero/2023