Vernissage @ KALEIDOSCOPE by Tolkyn Sakbayeva

Opening Poster KALEIDOSCOPE Tolkyn Sakbayeva

Opening Poster KALEIDOSCOPE Tolkyn Sakbayeva

ESPRONCEDA|CENTER for ART and CULTURE is very proud to present ‘Kaleidoscope’, the next solo show of the young artist TOLKYN SAKBAYEVA in Barcelona.

Tolkyn Sakbayeva was born in January 12, 1990 in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

“She was 4 years old when she showed strong desire to express on paper personages from her favorite books. That was the reason she first learnt to hold the pencil in her hand and started to draw a line…it took her several months to draw a simple line, because her hands weren’t listening to her. But she did it, she drew a line! Her life began taking a totally different course. While all doctors she visited after the birth were claiming her diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy is a verdict – she must be ready not to expect any miracles: “she will not be able to walk, to seat, to talk, to understand the reality, even to hold the pencil or read, etc…” But, it was that line which gave her a new hope and new dreams. Since then her pencils, brushes, papers, canvases are always with her.”

OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, 18th Dec 2015 from 18:30 to 22:00.
EXHIBITION:  Friday 18th Dec – Thursday 18th Dec 2015
Visits only upon appointment at

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