
  • NAILA KUHLMANN, Peace of Mind. 06th of July at 7pm

    Espronceda Institute for Art and Culture, in collaboration with Be Another Lab, eagerly welcomes Naila Kuhlmann, a talented researcher and artist specializing in conveying embodied experiences of those with Parkinson’s disease. This event coincides with the world Parkison Congress in Barcelona (, where Kuhlmann is actively involved. The gathering will feature a screening of Kuhlmann’s work with Piece of Mind...

  • Digital Talk – Hybrid Body in Performing Arts

    Digital Talk – Hybrid Body in Performing Arts When: 04.07.2023 / 5pm Where: Zoom   The fusion of performance and new technologies has made it possible to expand the expressive possibilities of live performances with immersive and interactive elements. During this panel, the artists involved will present their research in relation to the performing arts and explore the relationship...

  • CONVENCIÓN ANUAL NEB LAB 2023 – Ecosistema Cultura Sostenible

    CONVENCIÓN ANUAL NEB LAB 2023 – Ecosistema Cultura Sostenible. Fecha: 29 de Junio 2023 Link de inscripción:   Programa  10h30-11h00. Recepción de los invitados. 11h-11h10 Introducción a NEB Lab – Cultura Sostenible y Emprendedora. 11h15-11h30. Presentación acciones Ecosistema Cultura Sostenible. Savina Tarsitano 11h30-12h00. Instituciones que impulsan comunidades: Fundació Catalunya Cultura, Fundació Epica. 12h-12h15. Pausa café. 12h15-13h. Instituciones con impacto...

  • RADIOME, Martes 6 de Junio – 19h

    NUBIA LAB INCUBACIÓN PRESENTA: RADIOME és un experiment interactiu sobre so espacial i el sentit de la orientació. Convida als assistents a alinear-se amb els punts cardinals de la Terra –fent servir els telèfons com antenes– per a crear paisatges sonors col·laboratius. Entorns auditius binaurals, projeccions audio-reactives, i una actuació en directe que reacciona a les interaccions dels assistents...


    PROGRAMA: DIMECRES DIA 7. De 10h30 a 16h30.   1OH30-11H00. Recepció dels participants/ cafè. 11h00-11h30. Key speaker. Conferència inaugural Eleonora d’Ascenzi. Immersive Storytelling and Transformative Design. Making a mark through a non-conventional perspective. 11h30-12h. Innovació e impacte social. Diversos conferenciants. Institucions convidades: Neapolis, Fundació Èpica. 12h-12h30. Cafè i networking. 12h30-13h00. Programes de suport als projectes inmersius i interactius. Presentació...

  • Open Call for National Artist Teams

    Open Call for National Artist Teams 24.5.2023  to 11.6.2023 It´s all about helping you to make better use of digital media to move ahead with your artistic career.  National Artist Teams (NATs) are first and foremost artists focused on collaborating inside their local/regional groups and as importantly between the 7 PMP partners’ artists located in 6 different EU countries....