
  • Episode 2 – The Salon of Espronceda –Talk with a Special Guest by Savina Tarsitano 07.07.2021

      Art galleries, contemporary art, the importance of residences for both emerging and established artists, what was the impact of Covid-19 on galleries, artists? We talk about all this with our guests at the Espronceda Salon, especially about the city of Tokyo with a look also to Taipei. On 7 July we move to Japan to talk with Sachiko...

  • Webminar: Towards Contemporary Art for Sustainable Villages 21.06.2021

      The debate will focus on: the role and value of artists/arts in a time of crisis, and the importance of cultural collaboration in accordance with the 17 sustainable goals of the Agenda 2030. The idea to create a team working to carry out this project in villages based in Asia and Europe born during this difficult period of...

  • La Comedie Virtuelle

    “La Comedie Virtuelle” de Gilles Jobin Cia: 12, 13, 19 i 20 de juny. La Comédie Virtuelle és una experiència de realitat virtual multiusuari que permet el públic visitar la Future Comédie de Genève, el nou edifici de teatre més antic de Ginebra que inaugurarà les seves noves instal·lacions el proper any. El públic podrà moure per les diferents...

  • IMMENSATHON: Into The Human Labyrinth. Collective Exhibition 20.05.2021

    May 20-21, 2021 Inauguration on 05/20/21 at 6:00 p.m. Open until 10pm. On 05.21.21 from 6pm to 10pm. Address: Carrer d’Espronceda 326, nave 5, Barcelona Free entry (limited capacity)   From IMMENSIVA, with the collaboration of Garage Stories and Be Another Lab, we are pleased to announce that the IMMENSATHON exhibition will open on Thursday, May 20 and will...

  • Episode 1 – The Salon of Espronceda –Talk with a Special Guest by Savina Tarsitano, 13.05.2021@6pm

    When? – 13.05.2021 at 18h   Where?  – Live broadcast on Facebook esproncedabcn – At our centre Carrer D’Espronceda 326 Nave 10 08027 Barcelona, Spain. Metro: Navas. You can reserve your place at eventbrite  Get notified when the Livestream begins on Facebook     For the first episode of the SALON OF ESPRONCEDA, Savina Tarsitano is inviting Alexandra Christev and Vladimir de Vaumas,...

  • Flores de Plutón

      Jessica Moroni busca amb les seves obres, amb els seus dibuixos i peces escultòriques de grans dimensions que a la vista esdevenen fràgils i inquietants en les seves formes i intenses en el seu cromatisme, la re-connexió amb la naturalesa i el medi ambient natural. A Flores de Plutón, l’autora crea un lloc còsmic, sense tabús, un lloc que...