
  • PALKONNECT OPEN CALL – December 2022

    OPEN CALL Deadline: 15 December 2022     We are happy to invite you to register yourselves and your artwork as part of the Digital Open Art Studio Platform, created as part of the project PALkonnect (funded by the Erasmus + Programme). The platform is giving you the opportunity to promote widely your work and creation all over Europe. The...


      Theatre in Palm, international project funded by Creative Europe, in which Espronceda is glad to participate, is hosting a digital residency on 6–10 February 2023. The residency is aimed at emerging theatre artists or performing arts students, recent graduates (0–5 years), people interested in gaining new professional competences and making new openings in the field of performing arts, and other newcomers...

  • Cultural Diplomacy and Art

    Towards new Alliances in the world of Culture Diplomacy and Art, reuneix artistes, professionals de la societat civil, estudiants i joves professionals de tot el món per a explorar el paper de l’art en la transformació de la societat, abans i després de COVID-19, nous models de cooperació per a millorar la nostra societat i implementar de la millor...


        Feu clic aquí per comprar un tiquet! Contacteu-nos per visites especials: L’Exposició de la Xarxa Galàxia VR – 2022 ve a Barcelona! Un nou programa d’experiències internacionals guardonades. La Galaxy Network és una comunitat d’institucions d’art unides per un objectiu comú per mostrar i promoure continguts de VR d’alta qualitat a audiències més grans en els...

  • FARNESINA Digital Art Experience ; Immersive Exhibition

    Collective exhibition curated by Stefano Fake and Savina Tarsitano in the occasion of Loop City Screen   Grand Opening: 10.11.2022 from 19.30h to 21:30h Exhibition Dates: from 11.11.2022 to the 25.11.2022 Opening Hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 16:00-20:00   FARNESINA – IMMERSIVE ART EXPERIENCE Immersive Art is an art form that aims to immerse the viewer inside the work of art itself....

  • Swab Espronceda Art Prize ; 2022 Artistic Residency Award

    SWAB / ESPRONCEDA Art Prize 2022 Artistic Residency Award Prize under the artist direction of Savina Tarsitano curated by Maribel Navarro Opening 05/10/2022 – 19:30h Exhibition dates: 06/10 – 15/10   Featuring the winner artists: Andrés Waissman (2019) Santiago Paredes (2021) We are pleased to present the 3th edition of the Swab – Espronceda Art Prize. The collaboration was born with...