Design of user centric immersive narratives
By Espronceda on 14/October/20200Read more Hands-on workshop that follows Garage Stories’ own methodology based on the principles of design thinking to provide creators...
Immersive experience introduction by Eyesberg Studio
By Espronceda on 14/October/2020Read moreEYESBERG STUDIO Eyesberg Studio is a multimedia art studio specialized in the transformation of spaces into immersive and...
By Espronceda on 07/October/2020Read moreHolger Sprengel, the co-founder of ESPRONCEDA Institute of Art & Culture participated in the Goethe-Institut of Barcelona in...
Image Technology Echoes by Lauren Moffatt – 16.10.2020 @7pm
By Espronceda on 06/October/2020Read moreIn the immersive experimental fiction Image Technology Echoes by Lauren Moffatt, we enter a quiet gallery inside a cavernous museum...
Quintessence Dome SHOW
By Espronceda on 09/September/2020Read moreOpen to the public, limited capacity SEPTEMBER FRIDAY 11th 18h-19h30. Connection with MILAN with the project. Are You there...
Ars Electronica Garden. Barcelona Solar Orchard Garden
By Espronceda on 04/September/2020Read moreThursday, 19h30-22h. OPENING ARS ELECTRONICA SOLAR ORCHARD GARDEN. Open to the public. Screening STARGAZER project in the Dome. Ars...
TeyAlTool, a project by Mohsen Hazrati at Burning Man 2020 supported by ESPRONCEDA
By Espronceda on 17/August/2020Read moreESPRONCEDA – Institute of Art & Culture and co-founder Holger Sprengel supported the resident artist Mohsen Hazrati in participating...
Design of user centric immersive narratives
By Espronceda on 17/August/2020Read moreHands-on workshop that follows Garage Stories’ own methodology based on the principles of design thinking to provide creators...
Immersive Experience Introduction
By Espronceda on 17/August/2020Read moreEYESBERG STUDIO Eyesberg Studio is a multimedia art studio specialized in transforming spaces into immersive and interactive works...