The topic of the artistic research:
Non-human rights / Natural Contract / Collective intelligence / Resilience / Future Imaginaries

Artistic practices operate on both a symbolic and real level because they can directly or indirectly influence the emotional state of the perceiver involved in the artistic experience.
This synergy established between the symbolic and the real could lead us to reflect on the potential influence these practices could have in promoting other imaginaries capable of educating about less competitive, more egalitarian, and cooperative values. To implement measures for safeguarding and conserving ecosystems, it may be useful to understand the relationships between the different parts that compose the whole. Every being is profoundly linked to its environment and its evolution is directly linked to its ability of adaptation. This occurs in most cases through the capacity of cooperation between organisms of the same or different species, as Lynn Margulis mentions when commenting on her theory of endosymbiotic evolution.
We can therefore understand how each subject is linked to its environment, hence the survival of life on a cognitive, social, and environmental level (quoting Guattari) will depend on the quality of the relationships established between the different dimensions of reality and between subjects and their environment.
The ecological crisis and the current eco-social transition we are facing lead us to the need to create new, more balanced imaginaries capable of including the rights of all living and non-living organisms in decision-making processes.

In the context of this new residency, we would like to propose these insights as stimuli for the development of possible shared project content, and at the same time, we would like to propose the following questions.

  • How can we open spaces of active and sensitive listening both in the forms of thought and in those of living the territory with other beings?
  • What imaginaries, which are capable of favoring heterogeneity and multiplicity rather than homogeneity and uniformity, can be created?
  • What possible post-capitalist futures or utopian imaginaries can we outline to decolonize our idea of nature and inhospitable futures?

This program is under the Creative Europe Project, co-financed by the European Union.
THEATER IN PALM – a European platform, which brings together 12 partners from all over Europe to collaborate in the promotion and support of emerging artists in the field of performing arts. This platform, of which Espronceda is main partner, aims to be an open and intercultural space for the performing arts that allows the circulation of artists and the promotion of innovative projects beyond European borders.
The entire programme was developed in collaboration with: ICM – The Institute of Sea Science in Barcelona, The Art Centre La Panera in Lleida, and the research group of the University of Barcelona VIGEO – Visualidad y Geoestética en la Era de la Crisis Ecosocial, and thanks to the collaboration of artists and partners who believe in accompanying us on this journey.